arrow_back Back to Articles calendar_month 5 Jun 18 schedule 2 min read Dr D had suffered from a life long arterial-venous malformation (AVM) giving rise to left facial disfigurement. Dr D underwent an interventional radiological procedure at The Royal Free Hospital (RFH) in December 2014. The procedure involved angiography (injection of radio-opaque contrast to take radiological pictures) which stated on the consent form was to be superselective to the left AVM. In fact, the RFH interventional radiologist performed a different and more risky procedure on Dr D without her consent. Dr D sustained an occipital stroke as a result causing a right sided hemianopia (actually a quandrantanopia) where one quarter of Dr D’s visual field was obliterated forever. Dr D also sustained a temporal / parietal lobe stroke but this was mercifully asymptomatic but did give rise to a minute future risk of epilepsy. It took a long time to work out precisely what the RFH radiologist had done to Dr D but Peter managed to appoint the appropriate experts to uncover the truth of what had occurred, obtained an admission of liability from National Health Service Resolution on behalf of the Trust and a full apology from the RFH Chief Executive. The case settled for £40,000 without the need for formal court proceedings. If you believe you have a claim for Clinical Negligence, please get in touch today 03333 058 375 or email Get in Touch If you would like to speak with one of our expert lawyers, just call or email using the information below, or complete this form. call03333 058375 Get in Touch "*" indicates required fields Name* Email* Tel*Nature of enquiry*Please selectClinical NegligenceSerious Injury ClaimsCourt of ProtectionWealth ProtectionDivorce and Family LawGeneral EnquiryCareersOtherMessageThis site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Our Accreditations