arrow_back Back to Articles by Nicholas Clough calendar_month 7 Jan 21 schedule 4 min read As we start the New Year, now is an ideal time to consider formalising our wishes and making the coming year when we plan for the future and get our affairs in order. Our legal specialists are here to offer their advice. How we can help Did the festive period involve a marriage proposal? If so, congratulations! As you start to think about dates, venues and dresses, is it also time to consider whether a pre-nuptial agreement may be appropriate for you and your fiancé(e)? Whilst a pre-nuptial agreement won’t be suitable for all couples, those who have children from a previous relationship or who wish to protect their existing assets should consider speaking to a family law specialist about their options. Maybe you moved in with a partner. Are you considering formalising this arrangement with a cohabitation agreement? Whilst this may not seem like the most romantic of gestures, planning for the future now can prevent a great deal of heartache, negotiation and expense at a later stage, should you part ways. Our Family Law team would be happy to discuss formalising your relationship and the options available to you. For some, the New Year is a time to consider the options available not only to themselves but in relation to those in their care. We are often asked whether it is possible to change deputy for a protected party, either from a lay deputy or to a new professional deputy. We recognise that this can be an extremely difficult decision and one that requires a great deal of time, consideration and research. Our Court of Protection team would be happy to answer any questions you may have, should you be considering changing deputy. As we enter into a further lockdown, many people are considering whether they should use this time to consider their wishes in relation to their estate and who would manage their affairs should they be unable to do so. Our Wills, Trusts and Probate team are available to discuss making Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney, enabling you to formalise you wishes and provide peace of mind. If you would like to discuss formalising your wishes and making 2021 the year you plan for the future, contact the Price Slater Gawne team today on 03333 058 375, or email Get in Touch If you would like to speak with one of our expert lawyers, just call or email using the information below, or complete this form. call03333 058375 Get in Touch "*" indicates required fields Name* Email* Tel*Nature of enquiry*Please selectClinical NegligenceSerious Injury ClaimsCourt of ProtectionWealth ProtectionDivorce and Family LawGeneral EnquiryCareersOtherMessageThis site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Our Accreditations