Case Study - Motorbike Injury Claim
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Case Study - Motorbike Injury Claim

Motorbike Injury Claim - Case Report

Mr S was riding his motorbike home from work, as he did every day. He was travelling on an “A” road, filtering past a line of slower cars on his near side. Suddenly one of the cars pulled out ...

Victoria Price

by Victoria Price

calendar_month 2 Jan 23

schedule 4 min read

Mr S was riding his motorbike home from work, as he did every day. He was travelling on an “A” road, filtering past a line of slower cars on his near side. Suddenly one of the cars pulled out into Mr S‘s path, colliding with him.

The collision initially trapped Mr S‘s left leg between the bike and the car before he was thrown from his bike and on to the ground.

Passersby tried to help and dialled 999. Emergency services came to the scene and he was taken by ambulance to hospital.

Mr S sustained a fracture to the top of his left shin bone which required surgery. He was  initially needed a full leg cast and crutches. After 2 days in hospital he was allowed home.

Unable to work

The injury meant he was not able to work as a mechanic. He needed a lot of care and support from his family and friends in the initial 3 months while he was immobile and crutches. He could not drive or do the usual household tasks like laundry, cooking or vacuuming.

He continued to be treated by the hospital and had further surgery and out patients appointments. After 3 months he started on an intense physio course.

Mr S developed a fear of travelling on his bike which was something he had never experienced before.

Initially the matter was dealt with by another firm via Mr S’s insurers but because of a slow start Mr S transferred his case to Price Slater Gawne. Then the legal investigations began.

The legal investigation

Solicitor, Victoria Price arranged for Mr S to be assessed by a prominent orthopaedic medical expert who prepared a report for the case. He was also seen by an eminent psychologist . Details of his lost earnings and the care that had been provided to him were analysed and this, together with his injuries and treatment requirements were quantified and this was served on the driver’s insurers and legal advisers. They admitted fault.

Mr S carried on with physiotherapy and also had CBT sessions, paid for by the Defendants.

An offer was made to settle the claim for £20,000.00 which was rejected on our advice, by Mr S.

Shortly afterwards the driver’s legal team said they had evidence that Mr S had contributed to the accident and they then decided to withdraw their admission. This held matters up while they dealt with this evidence which was eventually withdrawn.

Mr S was still suffering from pain and stiffness in his tibia and knee. This was re–examined by the orthopaedic expert. The value of the claim was revised in light of this.

The Defendant’s then made a further offer of £30,000. This was rejected again and Mr S made an offer of £40,000 plus legal costs which was accepted.

By this stage Mr S was able to ride his bike again and enjoy this past time that he loved. He was able to return to work again and move on. 

Motorbike Injury Claims

If you or a loved one has suffered a motorbike injury, our expert Serious Injury lawyers can help. Find out more about our Motorbike Injury Claims service and how Price Slater Gawne can help.


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